Friday, February 02, 2007

The Winter Wolf

It was time to update and add the newest wax creation. I call it the winter wolf, although he is a black wolf. I was impressed with how fast this one came together, although I had painted the wolf completely in blue tones, until my wife came in the room and said, "Bluuuue??"
"Ah, yeah," I said. "I'm going for a little more abstract feel to this one."
"I don't like it."
Because she's not only my biggest fan, she's also my critical eye, I changed it. I think it's better because of it too. Often her gut reaction is what I had been wrestling with, and my "nah, it's okay" often wins out. This time, she caught it before I became connected to the colours.

More after the break

I did learn though that once again, anything is possible in this medium. Once I finish the waxing, I can paint it any number of ways, sometimes it's good, other times, not so much...

Funny thing is, I had barely finished it, and it was gone. Sold to friends of ours, who will give it a nice home. Someone asked me once if it was hard to give them up once I had finished the painting. Sometimes it is, but often while working on it for a number of days straight I do become attached to it. I think that when it's complete, though, I usually have to let it go, enough to show other people and be willing to part with it. Those kids have to go off and make their way in the world by themselves. Unless it's the lion (below), who got to go and live with the elephants (way below)...

I think another wolf is in order, this time in traditional wolf colours. Although, I may finally get my blue wolf after all. I've got two huge new canvases I can't wait to start on them, I just have to find the right image first. Then, look out.


At 2:29 PM , Blogger Anon For Everything said...

I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to tell you good luck! Live your dreams, man.

At 12:01 PM , Blogger WhyzOwl said...

after introducing me to your blog site, I found the artwork simply amazing.
Textures and color are forms of energy and emotion. Your black Wolf-
mysterious,cryptic & mythical.
I am one who would appreciate the Blue Wolf with dimensions & depth of hues done in the Wax technique.
Especially if the image is hidden within.
Kudos to you Kelly - look forward to seeing more


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