Tuesday, October 17, 2006

back to reality

After feeling like I was on top of the world last week as I prepared for the taping of A Total Write Off, I was nervous and full of energy. I thought about it and was a little jittery, but feeling good. But now, only a few days later, I'm back at work, doing my regular job of covering events, like the Chamber Gala last night, and the MD of Wainwright meeting this morning and the Town of Wainwright council meeting tonight. I'm definitely back to reality.

It's too bad, because it was nice having that 15 minutes of fame, even though it's probably more like 7.5 minutes. I really don't need to be in the spot light, but I wonder why I feel this afterwards feeling, this post-show syndrome. Weird.

I still have a million things going on, chairing the Wainwright Arts Festival committee, meeting with them often, including sub-committees, trying to get enough work done for the art show part of the festival, and helping on the committee to organize the AWNA symposium for January 07. I'm also to help with Wainwright's bid for the provincial curling championships, as the media liasion. It shouldn't be too bad, but I need to be able to handle it correctly. On top, I put my name forward to be the vice-president of the Writers Guild of Alberta at the AGM this Saturday. I've been a 'member-at-large' for the past two years, sitting on the board of the WGA.

I think that is pretty cool, being the vice-prez and all that. I like the idea and I think I can still bring a lot to the board, but I'm not sure how much involvement I will have with the WGA with the addition of being vice. Our illustrious prez, Vern Theissen, explained that it shouldn't be much more than I'm doing now, with the exception of chairing a meeting if the prez is unavailable. Lori Lavallee is putting her name forward to be the pres, unless there are nominations from the floor for that position. The same could happen in the vice position, but it's not likely.

An interesting addition to all this is that I was asked if I'd be interested in putting my name forward to sit on the Alberta Foundation of the Arts board, the granting body that spends the arts funding across the province. I was floored, but I don't think I can do it too, I'm already stretched thin enough. I don't like doing anything half-assed, so I would really need to focus and be heavily involved if I was going to be involved at all. I told my MLA, who asked me if I'd like to be nominated, that I just didn't think I'd have the time to properly commit to the AFA. That may come back to bite me in the ass later, but I think it's the right decision for the time being. I guess I'll have to wait and see.


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