Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Friday's coming - oh boy.

It's almost here, and I can feel it in my gut. It's almost Friday the 13th. If that wasn't bad enough, I have the opportunity to have people remember me as the idiot who threw up on TV, on Friday the 13th. I'm not a nervous person by any means, but then again, I've never been on a TV show before.
More after the jump.

I wonder if Barbara North and the people at Panacea Entertainment hand out gravol before the show. It's going to be A Total Write Off, which should be really fun, and hopefully, not a total right off. I'm so looking forward to being on the stage and what it may mean, even though my manuscript is still out there, trying to find a publisher. I couldn't have a better chance to promote myself as a writer, my work and the chance to have fun and show that I can be in this business.

All too often, as writers or as people, we sell ourselves short, worried that we're not good enough and people will most likely make fun of us. Although that's probably true, as a newspaper editor, when I screw up, there's plenty of people out there who are quick to point out that mistake. That's okay, I've got a pretty thick skin, especially after four years of art school at Alberta College of Art and Design. The teachers were quick to give out the criticism, without any positive back up. You quickly learn that you better be able to take a little or a lot of flack during a critique or you have no business being an artist. The same is true as a writer. A smart person told me just the other day that you cannot please everyone. It doesn't matter what you do, someone will not like it. That's really hard for me to understand, sadly, I want to make people happy. It doesn't always happen, especially in this job.

It happened as well with the creation of the Wainwright Arts Festival. I/we took a little heat from someone that had visual art that didn't fit into our criteria. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Instead of talking to me about it, she wrote a curt letter to the editor (me) why the organizer had brushed her off. I guess Sharon was right, you can't make everyone happy, even if you're doing the best you can.


At 6:26 PM , Blogger Anita Daher said...

Hey Kelly,
You made a lot of people happy last night! Wasn't that fun? Great to meet you...extra great that you didn't throw up.

At 10:03 PM , Blogger Kelly Clemmer said...

Thanks Anita. You found me pretty quick. Right on. I'll have to look at your blog now too.

At 12:37 AM , Blogger Rod Oracheski said...

I'm so proud of our little Kelly not crumbling.

*sniff* They grow up so fast.


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