Sunday, October 15, 2006

Write this off

Well, Friday th 13th passed with out too much trouble, in fact it was one of the most interesting days I've had in a long time. I arrived at the Catalyst Theater in Edmonton in time to meet the three writers that I'd be working with on A Total Write Off TV show, produced by Panacea Entertainment.

Barbara North, the comedian was the host, and she was funny and was able to think quickly on her feet. The 'mime/dancers' were a little twitchy, but they ended up being pretty funny at the end. The three writers I was working with were Gayleen, Anita and Ron. Gayleen is a supernatural murder mystery writer, Anita writes children's books about planes and Ron is a freelance writer living in L.A. trying to get back on as a staff writer for a sitcom.

Gayleen and I teamed up to write a short story in about 30 minutes, with useful (and sometimes weird) suggestions from the audience. Luckily things worked out for us, and we managed a good little story that was decent and yet still incorporated all the suggestions from the audience.

I'm still not sure when it will air on Access Television and Book Television, but I'm sure I'll post it when I find out. We were told it may not be until April. Overall it was a riot and not as scary as I thought it may be when I paced in the green room, eating my one grape and hoping that I wouldn't become nauseous and spew on stage. Luckily everyone was great and I didn't feel ill at all. The great thing about trying to write a story on an immediate schedule is that you don't have time to worry about the crowd or the cameras, you just have to work quickly before you run out of time. I think I probably made some stupid faces unintentionally, but otherwise it was a great experience.


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