Thursday, May 17, 2007

Best Editorial Page award

Star News publisher Roger Holmes presents the Best Editorial Page award to Star News associate editor Kelly Clemmer. Roger accepted the award at the CCNA's conference in Winnipeg last week.

I was pleased to hear that the Wainwright Review won the Best Editorial Page award across Canada in the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, in its circulation class.
I was pretty excited when we heard back in March, but to have the award (nice wooden statue, even), it brought it home. The award is not mine alone, I share it with the other columnist on the page, Jonathon Koroluk. Jono and I have been friends for years, and I'm really proud that we took home this honour for the second year in a row.

The criteria is broken down to being the quality of the writing of both columns on the page, the impact, the design and the cartoon. The page is nice and clean, and we have plenty of room to rant to our heart's content, although, sometimes Jono still goes on further than his space, go figure.
The whole idea of winning an award is pretty cool, and I think its a nice pat on the back, without being too gloaty about it. Is gloaty even a word? Either way, I'm proud of our accomplishments.


At 4:40 AM , Blogger Anita Daher said...

Congratulations, Kelly!

At 1:01 AM , Blogger Jasmine said...

Well done Clemmer, das ist sehr toll!!!!

At 6:25 PM , Blogger Kelly Clemmer said...

Thanks, guys. I appreciate the praise. Keep it coming!


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