Friday, February 16, 2007

A Total Write Off - Kelly's ep. March 21

I felt it only necessary that I comment on the state of affairs of Anna Nicole Smith. I don’t believe that it’s getting enough coverage on the news. The passing of this woman is a great tragedy of our times. It’s reminiscent of the death of Princess Diana.
Actually, I couldn’t be more sick of hearing about Anna Nicole or the paternity of her daughter. It does suck that she died at a young age, but for everyone’s sake, let it go. Who cares? Hey, is Michael Jackson involved? If we throw in Jacko and maybe a Kennedy, this story could carry CNN for the next year.
Regardless, I’ve got more interesting (at least to me) things to blather on about. Last week was another one for the memory box.

Kelly with A Total Write-Off! host Barbara North

more after the jump

As you may remember, I will be appearing on an episode of A Total Write-Off! a reality writers show where teams of writers are pitted against each other to write a short story in under 30 minutes. It was a blast at the taping, and now I’m looking forward to seeing it on the little screen. It’s confirmed that the episode I’ll be appearing on is March 21. Mark that on your calendars. If you don’t have a calendar, write it on your hand. And don’t wash that hand.
The inevitable hygiene issues aside, you’ll all enjoy the goofy fun show. I hope I don’t appear to be too stupid, but I’m sure you’ll let me know if I do...
Another major incident happened with the hopeful future publication of the novel manuscript that I’ve been shopping to publishers. The Ghost Dance was picked as a good fit for a publisher’s imprint, and were looking at publishing my book as early as the spring of 2008. I was elated. I was excited, I was full of confidence and butterflies. I was.
The snag was that the publisher offered a ‘co-publishing’ deal, which basically requests the author to pre-purchase a number of books to offset the costs of publication, especially for a new author. It concerned me, but I held out hope.
After doing some research on the publisher and contacting a former author in their stable, I found out some bad news. The publisher is posing as a traditional publisher, but is actually doing something called vanity press. Vanity press is basically self publishing, with paying for your book to go into print. You’re paying a printer, not a publisher.
So, I’ve come close to being conned, and without the help of some smart writer friends at the Writers Guild of Alberta and the highly effective, I could have been hooped.
I had that feeling in the back of my mind the whole time, jeez, that sounds good, but I don’t think I should be paying for publication, hey, they must know how hard it is to get published.
That’s the problem, it is really really hard to get published for a first-time writer and a first-time novelist. There are people out there very willing to take your money based on your dreams. That’s the crappy part, these people prey on your dreams and can steal you blind.
So, even though I’m not published yet, I still will keep trying and follow up on some leads and not be knocked down by the charlatans that are out there, waiting.
If any of you have had similar experiences, let me know.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Total Write-Off!

I've received information from Panacea Entertainment, that the TV show that I will be in will be shown on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Access TV. The show, A Total Write-Off! begins airing this Wednesday, Feb. 14, with episode 1. Along with my three other fellow writers were taped as episode 9 of 13.

I've been told that my date will be March 21st. That will be really cool, I'm hoping that I can have some people together to watch the show and have some fun, most likely at my expense...
That's okay, I've got thick skin.

What I'm wondering about is how I came across while on the show. I quickly forgot that I was "mic'd" while we tried to pull together random ideas together to write the short story while on the air. The crowd shouting out ideas for the stories added to the show in general, and I think that the mime-dancers were pretty funny when it came to our show.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Winter Wolf

It was time to update and add the newest wax creation. I call it the winter wolf, although he is a black wolf. I was impressed with how fast this one came together, although I had painted the wolf completely in blue tones, until my wife came in the room and said, "Bluuuue??"
"Ah, yeah," I said. "I'm going for a little more abstract feel to this one."
"I don't like it."
Because she's not only my biggest fan, she's also my critical eye, I changed it. I think it's better because of it too. Often her gut reaction is what I had been wrestling with, and my "nah, it's okay" often wins out. This time, she caught it before I became connected to the colours.

More after the break

I did learn though that once again, anything is possible in this medium. Once I finish the waxing, I can paint it any number of ways, sometimes it's good, other times, not so much...

Funny thing is, I had barely finished it, and it was gone. Sold to friends of ours, who will give it a nice home. Someone asked me once if it was hard to give them up once I had finished the painting. Sometimes it is, but often while working on it for a number of days straight I do become attached to it. I think that when it's complete, though, I usually have to let it go, enough to show other people and be willing to part with it. Those kids have to go off and make their way in the world by themselves. Unless it's the lion (below), who got to go and live with the elephants (way below)...

I think another wolf is in order, this time in traditional wolf colours. Although, I may finally get my blue wolf after all. I've got two huge new canvases I can't wait to start on them, I just have to find the right image first. Then, look out.