Monday, June 25, 2007

South Daktota bound

I'm packing my gear for a week-long International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editor's conference in the Black Hills. The conference runs from Wednesday (at Mount Rushmore) to Sunday. I'm really looking foward to it, and I have plans to do a little adventuring. I have full plans to see Deadwood and the Tatanka: The Story of the Bison, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and of course Wounded Knee and I plan on stopping to see Brett, the publisher of the Hot Springs Star.
It's going to be very cool, I've been looking forward to this trip since I first heard about it, a year and a half ago.
Once I get back, I'll post some pics and my adventures...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Venus in wax

I've been thinking about the masters and how my wax technique will translate. In most cases, not well, but I love the Bottecelli "Birth of Venus" so I wanted to give it a whirl. I felt that the wax would work for sure in the Venus' hair, and outline, but that's all.

It turned out that the hair did turn out very well, although I'm not as happy with the body. I made sure the face was painted as is, and I think, if I was to do it again, I'd just do the head and shoulders of the Venus, on a large canvas, instead of the whole body as well. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Donation debacle

It's been a couple of weeks since I updated my blog, but I've been up to my ears in stuff. All kinds of stuff. Some not so interesting, either.
I have been working on a couple of commissions and trying to get some work done, including two paintings for a recent charity golf tournament. After paying for registration and numerous other things out on the course, etc. I just don't think a painting was the right thing for their silent auction table. I guess I've learned not to spend that much effort for a painting that won't fetch very much. I really liked it, and I know I could have sold it for a decent price. So, the painting went for way under value and although I'm happy with who bought it, I'm left with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth from the whole thing.
I think this will be the last painting donation I'm going to make for some time.