Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spirit Horse

Here's one of my pieces that I created for the Arts Festival. It sold within the first half hour of the show and I had plenty of positive remarks and those that would have purchased it over and over. I think it's a combination of the movement that the painting has, with the horse's mane, as well as the cerulean blue colour.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wainwright Arts Festival 2008

WIth the 2nd Annual Arts Festival in the rearview mirror for this year, I can look back and reflect on the show and festival's successes and failures.
First of all, I think that for failures, there were very few. Some things need to be tweaked, with the food and perhaps the set up of the show, but overall, it was definitely a success.
Everything from the literary night with author Pauline Gedge to the final part of the art show and sale, it went over very well. We had about 400 at the art show, which is I think up considerably over previous years.
I personally sold five pieces at the show, better than I have ever at one of these things. The more my wax stuff gets out there, the better, I'm educating people on what I'm doing and I still believe that the original pieces with the wax and acrylic paint are connecting with people. I'm happy with that.
That's very satisfying as a an artist.
I've put in an application for the AFA Art Acquisition program, and I hope that the Alberta Foundation for the Arts picks one of the four that I submitted; The Warrior, the Haida Raven, The Buffalo Honouring Skull and the Bighorn Sheep.