Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The New Wolf

This wolf is one of my new favourites. I'm really excited about how it turned out, and on top, because it was a little more difficult to do, it makes me feel good. I think being able to overcome an issue or a challenge makes it all the sweeter.

Over the past few months, I've been kinda in a funk when in comes to painting, as I noted in the post below. I'd finish a piece and be happy, then back down in the dumps looking at the next piece that's started, but unfinished. At one point, working on multiple pieces at once was a way to keep moving forward, one's drying while the other is being completed. Well, that can catch up to you and bite you in the ass when you start a bunch, but don't finish them.
This wolf was started back in mid-October, during the open house at the Oilfield Art Gallery. Once I got it home, I had a tough time working on it, too many other distractions, I painted the Carousel horse instead and avoided this one, and two others that I have sitting on the floor of my office/painting room. I cannot start another until I finish these pieces, they'll turn out too, I'm sure, but I just have to push through and finish, otherwise they're not only physically laying there, they're also sitting in the back of my head, waiting to be completed. My sub-conscious is demanding I get them out of there, freeing up space. Apparently, it's crowded up there.